Our Services

At Silcom, we offer a wide range of services designed to meet your specific cable needs.
Our Services

Our commitment to excellence extends across all aspects of our operations.

Cable Manufacturing

We produce high-quality cables for industries such as mining and telecommunications, with the expertise to handle both custom and standard solutions.

Pre-Sales Support

Our experts provide tailored technical advice, working closely with you to recommend the best cable solutions for your applications.

After-Sales Support

We offer dedicated after-sales services, including traceability and quality assurance, ensuring your projects stay on track.

Innovation and Technology

We invest in research and development to bring you the latest advancements in cable technology.

The Silcom Promise

» Superior Quality

Our cables are rigorously tested to ensure they meet the highest safety and performance standards.

» Reliable Delivery

With efficient production and scalable capacity, we ensure on-time delivery tailored to your needs.

» Customer-Centric

We go beyond expectations with exceptional customer support and value-added services, ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way.

» Sustainable Commitment

We prioritize sustainability in our operations, utilizing renewable energy and green technologies to minimize our environmental impact.

Quality assurance and Research & Development

Silcom provides our clients with a world-class laboratory and testing facility, available for their convenience. Fully maintained and funded by Silcom, this laboratory is ready to serve our customers’ needs. Some of the tests that can be performed include:


      Mutual Capacitance


      Cured Sheathing Shrinkback


      Crush Test


      Capacitive Unbalanced


      Cold Bend Test: Insulation


      Resistance to Oil


      Insulation Resistance


      Cold Bend Test: Complete Cable


      Dielectric Strength (Polyethylene)


      Steel Conductor Flaking